Choose A Different Colour Inside And Out
At No Extra Cost*
Available in a choice of more than 45 powder coated colours, Weathershields Warmcore range allows you to pick a different colour for each side of your windows and doors – at no extra cost*. From contemporary matt black to arctic white, your choice helps define the personality of your windows and doors and helps match the architectural style of your home. Want grey outside with white inside to leave you free to change your interior in the future?
– with Weathershield Warmcore that’s no problem.
* very rare colours might carry a surcharge.
Choose A Different Colour Inside And Out – At No Extra Cost*
More Than 45 Colours….
Dulux Premium Architectural Powders are used. This warranty-grade powder coating system range is engineered specifically for aluminium applications. All powder coating is applied at 80-100 microns thick (marine grade is 40 microns) as standard. Suitable for beachfront and high wind zone areas. It is an ultra durable powder coating process developed on in-house technology, providing a premium finish for architectural, residential & commercial applications. Warranties vary between 10 and 30 years for surface integrity and colour retention depending on the chosen product range.